For 'pay at pump' petrol transactions, a request is made for a pre-authorisation of up to £125 to ‘hold’ from the merchant. This is just because they don’t know how much fuel is going to be bought at that time. The ‘hold’ ensures that you have the funds available for the maximum purchase possible.
Though we are aware that many retailers will pre-authorise different amounts, typically the correct amount will debit from your account within a day. Within six days, the original hold will drop from your account.
Should you wish to have more certainty around your fuel purchases, you could pay with a cashier instead of the pump kiosk. This will debit only the actual amount of the purchase, without the hold. Though we appreciate this is not as convenient.
In summary:
This is a temporary hold on your account, and within six days, the original hold of up to £125 will drop from your account, therefore only charging the original amount.
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