Promotional Payment Plans
- What is a promotional payment plan?
- Which purchases qualify for a promotional payment plan?
- How do I select the promotional payment plan option in the app?
- Will qualifying purchases automatically be put into the interest-free payment plan option?
- Why is interest being calculated when I try to select a promotional payment plan?
- What if I want to change my payment plan before I’ve finished paying for my purchase within the promo period?
Instalment Plans
- Can I change my instalment plan anytime?
- Can I pay an instalment plan off early?
- How do I plan a purchase or change my payment plan?
- How do I simulate a purchase?
- I want to pay my full balance early, is this possible?
- What are Plans & Instalments?
- What is 'Auto-Plan?'
- Why are my purchases being automatically put into 12-month payment plans?
- Can I change the payment plan on a transaction after auto-plan has been applied?
- How do I change my auto-plan settings?
- Can I turn auto-plan off?
- What happens when I turn auto-plan off?